The school bell has rung, and school buses begin to fill as Students drop their bags and slump into their seats. The school bus is a well-known part of the school system, essential for many families to get their kids to and from school.
` “My kids have always ridden the bus. We use it because it is what works for transportation to and from school with my work schedule,” said FC parent Rebecca Wood.
Though As the years go on the amount of students at FC continues to rise with the current amount of students at a staggering 1803, has begun to affect not only the school but also the buses. According to a poll answered by FC students, 58% of all students ride the bus meaning that FC would have an estimated 1045 bus riders.
“At the beginning of the year, Every seat had 2-3 people and was very stuffy, as the year went on fewer people showed up though either driving or simply skipping,” said Junior Odin Woodward.
Additionally, as the number of students has increased, the number of buses has decreased. According to the NAFCS head of transportation Eric Reid, in the last 10 years, 20 bus routes have been consolidated. The remaining bus routes have been left to absorb the leftover stops leading to changes in bus routes.
“A change I have noticed is the change of routes randomly throughout the years,” said bus rider Dane Law. This change in bus routes and increase in bus riders has also had changes to the time spent on buses, with an increase in bus route times. The average amount of time students spend on the bus at FC is thirty minutes, an average if not quick ride if looked at alone but that number has been slowly rising for some bus riders.
“I”m on the bus for almost an hour and 30 minutes. I only live like 15 minutes from the school. It’s insane how long I’m on the bus when I literally live 15 minutes form the school,” said sophomore Ava Mckinney.
Mckinney’s complaint was agreed on by Woodward,who also claimed that he rides the bus for upwards of forty five minutes despite living only fifteen minutes form the school.
Bus riders have an array of complaints about their ride home, from the recent heatwave to issues with student behaviors students who have no other form of transportation simply get through the ride.
“I don’t like riding the bus. […] [There’s] a lot of harassment issues and bullying issues that happen on my bus. My bus driver is a very good bus driver. He definitely takes action against anything that happens on my bus but he doesn’t always see it happen,” said junior August Bain.
For FC students starting school in the heat of the summer, bus rides have been hot for those in unairconditioned vehicles. For the month of August, Floyd County saw a high of 93 with the average temperature falling in the high 80s,for students on the bus these temperatures dont mix well with the stuffy vehicle.
“My bus last year had AC and heating but this year it doesn’t have either. In the past few weeks, it’s been really really hot. In the upper like the 90s. So I”ve been having to ride the bus in that. I get on the bus and I’m like cooking.”said Mckinney
Throughout the 2023-2024 school year, the Jefferson County Public School system had an influx of bus drivers resign, for the remaining bus drivers students seem to have a largely positive experience with those interviewed agreeing that their issues with the bus rarely stem from their driver.
“My bus driver is a very friendly man, he is always kind and wishes us a great day when we get off the bus. Truly a wonderful man and I believe we need more bus drivers like him.” said Woodward.